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Tuesday 19 March 2013

buisness workplace etiquette tips

workplace etiquette tips

buisness etquette

The new label is prompted by the fact that young people who have grown up online do not know how to operate any other way, except transparent. The good news is, this means they have great social skills, the bad news is that they have no idea they break all the old rules.

Here are some tips list to help people who are not accustomed to living an authentic life work transparent to flourish under the new rules.

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1. Forget the exit interview.

An exit interview will not help you, and it will undoubtedly create ill will. If you have people to thank when you leave a job to do for lunch. If you have any ideas on how to improve society, offer to consult. Of course, the company will decrease because they do not care. Otherwise, you would not stop, right?

Stop focusing on the exit interview and focus on how to quit smoking like a pro. When you get a new job, your former boss is part of your new network. It is up to you to ensure that going separate ways as well as possible so that you can shepherd this person in your network of supporters.

2. Don’t ask for time off, just take it.

When you need to leave work for a few hours or days, you do not need to ask permission - you are an adult, after all. Make sure that your work is in good condition and send an e-mail to the persons concerned to let them know that you're gone.

It seems discourteous to the elderly, who expect you to ask rather than tell. So be sure to give a reason why you cut. People like to know they have and where they are located.

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3. Keep your headphones on at work.
If you use social media tools, you're probably good contact with people and office politics navigation - good enough that spend all day at work with headphones on not bother you.

If you do not know what are the tools of social media, then you probably are not naturally good at making connections and the need to take these headphones before you crush him with office politics.

4. Say no to video resumes.

This is one of the dumbest trends ever recruitment.

Any HR person in their right mind hates video resume. If there is a stack of paper 100 hp, the hiring manager will spend 10 seconds on each decide which ones belong in the trash. So how is it annoying that it takes 10 seconds just to launch a video resume?

And it is not only that they are completely ineffective. Video CV HR departments open to a whole new level accusations of discrimination. There is a reason why the presenters are all good-looking - it's because we prefer the beautiful screen. So if you do not get hit every time you enter a bar, forget the video resume. You probably better on paper.

5. Invite your CEO to a friend on Facebook.

It's true, Facebook is for everyone now. And although the younger members of the workforce are a little worried that having adults, it will ruin things, adults are excited to be there. Nobody wants to miss out on all the fun.

So there is a good chance that your CEO is registered, and it is likely that she will really want to know your opinion on what to do on Facebook, since it is surely no idea.

6. Have your boss probable recognition.

This tip comes from 20-something Hannah Seligson, whose book "New Girl on the Job: Advice from the trenches", gives excellent tips on getting through the first years of work - most of which boils down to label.

Seligson recommend you to discover all the dirt you can about your prospective employer, as the best indicator of how a company will treat you is how he treats other people. So people ask directly fine.

Remember that it is often the boss who makes the biggest difference in the workplace, so try to use LinkedIn to find someone who has had the job you are applying for. Former employees will always give you the most candid comments.

7. Do not try to improve a colleague.

If you work with a jerk, just avoid it. We already know from dozens of studies that think you can change someone does not really work.

Businesses know that getting rid of difficult employees is not worth the cost and headaches, too. So if the shaking is not moving and the company is not moving, you need to move your job search.

8. Not to blog under a pseudonym.

It is tempting to hide your name when you blog, because you do not want to get fired or harassed or held liable for the views to work for you at home. But the truth is that the majority of adults who blog do so for commercial reasons.

Writing a blog so people can find the 77 million blogs is very time consuming. This is an important commitment to write about what you know on a single topic, but blogging help your career much. So why bother to do it if you do not take credit where it matters most - with potential employers who have not met you?

9. Call people on weekend work.

With the Blackberry goes where the work is never gone before, it is not surprising that the boundaries between work and non-work fade. The people who grew up being super-connected does not distinguish between the work week and the weekend, so they do not have to work the weekend on the remaining bits and pieces of the week .

Of course, this also means that people are going home early all week at random intervals. The result is that the weekend is fair game for phone calls.

If your colleagues do not like to be called on the weekend, they can tell you. But remind them that flexible work schedule allows you to have relationships all the time, and a work schedule that leads five days a week for work and two days a week for life is that personal life takes a back seat every week this year.

The best way to get a life is to stop being so hard on the distinction between work time and time to live.

10. Be nice like your job depends on it.

In fact, your job depends on you to be nice. The old days of office politics as a means of cheap shots are dead - bring their young team, I am competing against-my-best-self mentality of their self-esteem focus on homes in rural work, and there is nothing you can do except be nice back.

Anyway, the truth is that the friendliest people get promoted, if not the result of a case where the unwritten rules can really save your career.

1 comment:

  1. Before owning a business, we should learn some basic tips regarding business culture and rules. So that, we can easily run a business venture; in most of the cases, business owners are building strategy on a business networks. Thanks for such a wonderful post which deliver a good amount of information.
    Business Coach
